
Sanity Savers - A New Series on Managing Mommyhood & RL (Real Life)

This is an introductory post for a new series that I've named Sanity Savers.

This is a guide for anyone coming to terms with the death of their previous childless lifestyle, because there's a hell of a difference in hanging out in the city until 2 am with your friends to staying up with your baby/toddler until 2 am.

This series will give you tips and tricks to balance out the chaos that is Mommyhood with the life you used to have.

A few topics I plan to cover are:

* Using an Agenda/Planner to Manage Your Time
* Me Time!: Taking Time for Yourself
* Date Night: How to Dine Like You're Childless with Children
* Style Me Sexy: Dressing for Your New Lifestyle Without Sacrificing Sexiness
* Out and About: Activities You Can Enjoy and Bring Your Children To

In the future, I hope to come up with more ideas for posts. Please send me topics you'd like me to discuss!

Until, next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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