
Upcoming Posts & Updates!

It's been over a week since I last posted anything here, but I haven't forgotten about you guys! I have posts in my queue that I've been working on and I'm almost ready to post them.
The Lazy Scholar Blog

The two future posts I'll be doing are:

* Sanity Savers: Using A Planner to Manage Your New Lifestyle

   * I'll be describing how I manage my life and Eli's including: how to get back on track if you've gotten overwhelmed and behind in your new lifestyle's responsibilities (my son threw my planner in the trash, so I have to search for a new one before I can post this), and I'll be including lots of pictures!

* Products of the Moment

   * This is new series where on the first day of the next month I will review my most used products of the previous month. I may decide to also post this in video form on my YouTube Channel.

Family Life

Right now I've been focusing on research for future posts, regulating my sleep schedule, and planning activities for Eli and I to do.

It sounds boring, but my research for these blog posts have taken me to so many places I didn't think I would be able to go since I'm not a childless twenty-something anymore.

I'm very excited about Fall and I'm looking forward to putting out more great content and sharing my life with you guys through this blog and my YouTube Channel, so please subscribe to both so you are in the loop!

Until, next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

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