
Little Eli Guy #5: Major Picture Update Post | Months 13 - 17

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts, so this is going to be a huge picture post!
What is Little Eli Guy Doing Now?

As I'm typing this, Eli is asleep nearby. He's snoring loudly and rolling around, waking up briefly to make sure I'm still in the room. In the past few months since my last LEG (Little Eli Guy) post, we have had so many adventures together and reached all his milestones.
Since the last LEG post, Eli has:
Visited Historical Landmarks in the city.

Learned to feed himself.

Gotten his first haircut (from Mommy).

Mastered walking & screaming.
Began reading books by himself.
Discovered nature in our backyard.

Visited the Art Museum of Philadelphia.

Gone to the beach & Atlantic City for the first time.

Tried to go bowling, but mean Mommy said no.
And this is what Little Eli Guy has been up to lately.

How Am I Managing This Week?

I've been under the weather the past few weeks and I have an ambulance ride and ER visit under my belt, so I'm exhausted. I have, however, been inspired by reading blogs and watching YouTube videos to continue on my journey of making this an amazing blog that many people can relate to. I can't find any opportunities, so I will create them for myself. Other than the exhaustion and inspiration, I feel good about where my life is right now and I believe that it will only get better if I put in the work necessary to get to where I want to be.

What Are Our Plans for Next Week?
Depending on how I feel, I want to take Eli to the park before the weather cools down. I also need to make a budget for Fall with Eli's father to purchase Fall/Winter clothing because Eli has nothing that fits and isn't Summer clothing. Eli is officially being discharged from Physical Therapy, so I am excited because after nine months of hard work, Eli has caught up to his peers! I'm going to bake him a tiny cake to celebrate his achievement.
I hope everyone continues to follow our journey as a family. Look out for promised posts in the near future and an official scheduled posts tab on the top of this blog. I am striving to be more consistent in my posting and content. Believe it or not, I am a work-a-holic, but since I've been sick I haven't been on my game. That ends now! I am dedicated and determined to make this blog into what I dreamed it could be.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo & Eli ~
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