
Fitness Journey: Progress Shot & New Fitness/Wellness Plan | September 2013

191.0 lbs. - September 2013
I haven't exercised very much in the last four weeks because I've been feeling under the weather, but after taking my progress shots, I am re-motivated. I am going to set a few wellness/fitness goals for myself each week and reward myself when I meet them. If I fail, I will have to give up something I want for the week, like going to the movies or a restaurant.
Here is my wellness/fitness routine for the next four weeks:
1) Yoga for 30 minutes - 3 Days/Weekly
2) Walking - 2 Miles/Weekly
3) Calisthenics  - 3 Days/Weekly
4) Rest - 1 Day/Weekly
1) Track all meals for accurate caloric intake.
2) Have at least 10g protein and 5g fiber in every meal.
3) Take vitamins every morning.
So far this is what I have planned for fitness/wellness. Please leave comments below if you'd like to know more about my lifestyle or stats or if you have questions in general. Also, check the FAQ tab on the top of this blog, I may have answered your question already.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
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