
Sanity Savers: Series Intro

Hey There!

This post is way overdue and to make up for that I've put in the time to test out a few more methods of staying organized. Thanks for sticking with me!


Autodidactism & Web Design

Anyone that knows me intimately, knows that I am a collector of knowledge. What I mean by that is that I will spend hours researching a random thought I had and graze every article and ebook, watch every video, and listen to every podcast until I feel I have a firm grasp on the subject. Having Adult ADD has not stopped me from finding ways to learn about my interests because I can learn at my own pace. Doing well in college, however, is another post entirely.
Lately, my mind has been wondering the realms of financial independence and learning how to build my own web page to help grow this blog.


Job Found, Job Loss: Overcoming Setbacks

I accepted a job offer last month and was very excited to begin working this month, especially because I am a mother and would finally be able to afford independence. Unfortunately, I was terminated only two weeks in and I'm now back to square one.

I am very disappointed that I won't be working with that company. I liked what I was being hired to do and the pay was amazing. I would be making more than I ever have in my 24 years of life. I was terminated due to a violation of the company's attendance policy and if I could go back, I would probably react the same way.