
Job Found, Job Loss: Overcoming Setbacks

I accepted a job offer last month and was very excited to begin working this month, especially because I am a mother and would finally be able to afford independence. Unfortunately, I was terminated only two weeks in and I'm now back to square one.

I am very disappointed that I won't be working with that company. I liked what I was being hired to do and the pay was amazing. I would be making more than I ever have in my 24 years of life. I was terminated due to a violation of the company's attendance policy and if I could go back, I would probably react the same way.

My first offense was attending a doctor's appointment (with my employer's knowledge and a doctor's note) that caused me to miss two hours of training (which I caught up on). I tried to reschedule the appointment for weeks before I started working, but was unable to do so because of the sensitive nature of the appointment. I made the decision to go anyway, knowing I would be written up.

My second offense was leaving work early (with my employer's knowledge, again) because Eli had an Asthma attack at daycare and no one else was available to pick him up. He's actually still sick at the very moment I am typing this and I'm taking him to see his pediatrician tomorrow if possible.

So, the termination was my fault.

Medical problems due to an ongoing condition and a family emergency that I couldn't avoid kept me from remaining employed. Am I upset I was fired before I even finished training? Yes. But do I regret taking care of myself or my sick child? Not at all.

All the money in the world would mean nothing if something happened to either of us, so I made the right choices and I would make them again.

While I am upset about being terminated, I know there will be other jobs. If I don't find one that can keep up with my hectic schedule as a Mom, I will create my own opportunities and become my own boss.

I will never be idle as long as I am able and willing to work.

Until next time,

~ Domonique ~

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