
Autodidactism & Web Design

Anyone that knows me intimately, knows that I am a collector of knowledge. What I mean by that is that I will spend hours researching a random thought I had and graze every article and ebook, watch every video, and listen to every podcast until I feel I have a firm grasp on the subject. Having Adult ADD has not stopped me from finding ways to learn about my interests because I can learn at my own pace. Doing well in college, however, is another post entirely.
Lately, my mind has been wondering the realms of financial independence and learning how to build my own web page to help grow this blog.

I've been studying HTML and CSS from a textbook I acquired a few months ago (see picture for links & info) and I think I'm doing fairly well learning the basics about web design. I hope to take my quest for knowledge a little further in the future and apply what I've learned to pick up some freelance gigs. That way, I know that I'm competitive in the web design community and I'll have a great portfolio to boot.

The book I'm currently using. | Buy on Amazon

 What things do you like to learn about in your free time?

And what books or programs about web design do you suggest I check out next?

Until next time friends,
~ Domonique ~
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