
My High-Risk Pregnancy Experience

Hey Scholars,

I wanted to share a little about my pregnancy experience. I am a young and relatively healthy woman, but I have been classified as having a high-risk pregnancy. My pregnancy is considered high-risk because of my reproductive history. Anyone that has read this blog for a few months or looked through my archive, know that my previous pregnancy was also high-risk and that my son, Eli, was born seven weeks prematurely.

Eli on his first day of life. He was 33 weeks and 3 days gestation, weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces and was 15 inches long. He spent a total of 20 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

This is the most recent ultrasound picture of Leo. He has managed to surpass Eli in time spent in utero. He is currently measuring at 4 pounds 4 ounces and is expected to not need to stay in the NICU if I can carry him to at least 37 weeks!

I have been monitored closely throughout this pregnancy for complications and I have had a few so far. Once again, my baby has had a restriction in his growth. This is called Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Eli also had this issue. As I understand it, Leo (my baby), is having trouble gaining weight in utero and will likely be underweight at birth. His placenta also looks small and he doesn't have a normal amount of amniotic fluid.

I currently go to the hospital twice a week to be monitored on the fetal monitor and I kick count while I'm there. I also have an ultrasound every other monitoring visit and every two weeks with a Neonatologist. The ultrasounds check Leo's growth, amniotic fluid levels, and just his overall health.

In addition to the fetal monitoring, I see a high-risk Obstetrician once a week. She makes sure I am doing well physically and emotionally. She also asks me about my academic career, which I love, because I feel that she sees me as more than a mother. She is an African-American female professional and I really admire that she's great at her craft.

Right now, things look positive. I've never been this far into a pregnancy. I have experienced pregnancy loss in the past and premature birth, so I am in unchartered territory.

What has surprised me about pregnancy after the 33rd week, which is the farthest I've been until now, is that I am so uncomfortable.

I can't sleep through the night because I need to use the bathroom, my feet swell sometimes, I cannot walk more than a few blocks without stomach cramps, and don't even get me started on how my Sciatica has flared up.

Other than that, I am doing pretty well. My Dysthymia has been under control for the most part and I'm hoping that if I do suffer from PPD (Postpartum Depression) like I did with Eli, I'll be able to find a great therapist to help me work through that.

That's all for this post. I'm thinking about making a YouTube video on this post. If I do decide to make a video, I will embed the video in this post and send out an update.

Until Next Time Friends

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