
The Lazy Scholar Shop: My Works on Display

Hey Scholars,

It has been such a busy time in my life lately.
  • I am currently a month and a half into my bachelors degree program.
  • I began exploring more artistic ways of expression.
  • And I am trying to maintain my sanity since Eli has become very clingy. I'll post about Eli's sudden need to cling to me now that I'm expecting in May, at some other time in the near future.
Overall, I am busy and exhausted, but I really like that I am productive in so many areas of my life right now.

As the title of this post suggests, I am dedicating it to the newest addition to The Lazy Scholar Blog family: The Lazy Scholar Shop on Cafepress.

In my Goals for 2014 post back in January, I listed a lot of ambitious goals for this blog and many other areas of my life. I have been able to achieve a lot of things on my list already. So much so, that I added more goals to it! One of those goals happened to be opening an eCommerce site.

I didn't believe that I would be able to achieve that goal this year, but I have been working so hard in the first quarter of this year, that I decided I was ready to do that now.

My shop is stocked by Cafepress, meaning that all of the merchandise listed there is stocked and shipped by that company. The only inputs I have with the items my shop sells are:
  • What designs are available
  • Which products I want to make available
  • And, which designs are available on which products
Overall, I am satisfied with the items that Cafepress offers in their inventory. I do not currently have the ability to create my own items for sell, which is why collaborating with this site is the best option right now.

Here are some of the designs I am offering in the shop right now:

These design collections represent my pride in being African-American and celebrates the beauty and cultures of people of color (POC). While the design collections are not complete, I have listed the designs I have created so far. I must say, I am satisfied with my work so far.

*Note: Every design I offer is being reproduced in varying skin tones so everyone can have a likeness to themselves and their family dynamic. This is just what I have created so far and have available so far.*

The more I create, the more experience I will gain, and I will be able to create more intricate works of art.

Thank you for reading this post.
Don't forget to tell your friends about this blog and about my The Lazy Scholar Shop on Cafepress.

You can look forward to more designs being posted this year as I evolve more as an artist.

Until Next Time Friends,

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