
Update: Asthma, Walking, and Upcoming Posts

Good Morning Everyone!

I know I've been absent for a while. My son and I caught a pretty nasty cold after a play date and I suffered an Asthma attack soon after. Then, Eli started having problems breathing too! Don't worry, he and I are both fine now.

In other news, Eli started walking last week! I know! *squeals* I'm so proud of him. I'm determined to catch him strutting around the living room on video. He looks so cute stumbling around on his little boney legs. I fall more in love with Eli everyday because of these moments. I almost don't miss my old lifestyle. Almost.

I think I'm going to scale my posts down to once a week and see if I can handle that without drowning in my Mommyhood duties and other obligations. Some future posts I plan on doing are a review of some games I've been playing, products I've been using and loving, and possibly a video on A Day in the Life of The Little Eli Guy for my YouTube Channel.

I hope you're excited for better content and more consistency in my posting schedule! I know I am.

Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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