
Weekly Goal Review {1.20.14 to 1.26.14} & This Week's Goals

Hello There!

That week passed by a lot faster than I expected!
Last week, I posted a list of goals that I wanted to complete by yesterday, Sunday. This is what I’ve completed so far!

         ©    Monday, January 20, 2014 – Sunday, January 26, 2014

©       NOOOOO nail biting {x} {x} {x} {x} {} {x} {x}
©       Record meals in Food Diary or on MFP for at least 3 days {} {} {}
©       Reach out to at least three different friends {B}{D}{R}
©       Complete 3 of 5 workout days and log them on Fitocracy {} {} {}
©       Journal at least twice {x} {x}
©       Live within my means
©       No dining out {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x}
©       Save at least $1.00 in Piggy Bank {x}
©       De-clutter bookshelf in bedroom {x}

I did very well with my list overall, only missing a few x-marks.


Weekly Goals {1.20.14 to 1.26.14} + Review of 2014 Goals Completed Already

Hello There!

Every year I make resolutions and goals and before I know it, I haven't completed any of them and I feel like a failure. This year, I’m much more aware of my inability to maintain motivation and follow through on things, so I've decided to blog about my progress at the end of each week. Blogging about my progress will give me the motivation I need and accountability that I lacked in years' past.

Here are the goals I'm working towards this week and my progress so far:


Personal Finances & The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Hey There!
Lately, I've been immersing myself in personal finance websites and blogs.
What I want to accomplish more than anything in the next five years is to become financially independent.
I realize that being financially independent means different things to different people, so I've listed below what being financially independent means to me:


Wellness Journey: December 2013

Hello There!

December has been a great month in my Wellness Journey!

I’ve made some progress and I’m going to share that below with some words of wisdom. Even though I’ve been pigging out all month long on delicious Christmas themed treats and meals, I’ve gained an understanding of my body and my behaviors. So much so, that I can make lifelong changes.

Here is what I learned in the past 30 days:


Goals for 2014

It is 2014 Y’all!

Instead of making New Year's Resolutions that I will never follow through on, I'm going to set S.M.A.R.T. goals. That means setting goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.