
Weekly Goal Review {1.20.14 to 1.26.14} & This Week's Goals

Hello There!

That week passed by a lot faster than I expected!
Last week, I posted a list of goals that I wanted to complete by yesterday, Sunday. This is what I’ve completed so far!

         ©    Monday, January 20, 2014 – Sunday, January 26, 2014

©       NOOOOO nail biting {x} {x} {x} {x} {} {x} {x}
©       Record meals in Food Diary or on MFP for at least 3 days {} {} {}
©       Reach out to at least three different friends {B}{D}{R}
©       Complete 3 of 5 workout days and log them on Fitocracy {} {} {}
©       Journal at least twice {x} {x}
©       Live within my means
©       No dining out {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x} {x}
©       Save at least $1.00 in Piggy Bank {x}
©       De-clutter bookshelf in bedroom {x}

I did very well with my list overall, only missing a few x-marks.


I managed to paint my nails, only to have them chip the next day and before the week was over, I had bitten every single fingernail to the skin. I do this when I’m bored, anxious or nervous, and to be honest, I was very anxious this week. I’m definitely going to attempt this goal every week until I finally succeed.

I didn’t remember to record any of my meals, but there is a post coming up within the next week that explains why I stopped documenting.

I also didn’t get in a workout this week because of the weather, being confined to my bedroom (I had very little space to exercise in), and just an overall lack of energy due to on-going health conditions. I hate to make excuses, but I cannot seem to workout no matter how much effort I put forth. I’d like to eventually see my doctor and a nutritionist to see a change in diet will help with the extreme fatigue and lethargy I’ve been experiencing.

What I DID Do

I de-cluttered my bookcase and made room for items that Eli cannot touch. It put my unread books in storage and freed up some room for items we actually use every day, like, Eli’s toys and art supplies.

This week, I texted three friends that I haven’t spoken to in a while. Two contacts are ex-boyfriends that I have pretty solid friendships with and the other is my best friend. We “disappear” on each other for weeks at a time and randomly text the other to catch up. It works for us. That’s why the friendship has lasted for 10+ years.

I journaled twice when I was feeling stressed. It felt relieving to express my emotions in the open. I usually spend a lot of time in my own head, but writing creates a freedom that can only come from being able to be completely open without the worry of judgment.

Lastly, I lived within my means. I did this mostly because I wanted to, but ultimately because I had no choice. As a Mommy on a budget, with no car, and a few days of snowfall throughout the week, I didn’t leave my place. Not. At. All. Something you should know about me is that I despise cold weather. I think snow is beautiful – from inside my house where there is no hint of nature present. I don’t go out unless I have to and this week, I made sure I didn’t have to go out.

Goals For This Week

This week, I’m working towards completing goals for The Lazy Scholar Blog, and strengthening my parenting and intrapersonal skills.

               ©       Monday, January 27, 2014 – Sunday, February 2, 2014

©       Personal & Parenting Goals
©       Do Not Bite Nails {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
©       Take Vitamins Everyday {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
©       Revamp My Grocery List to be More G6PDD Friendly
©       Read Labels Carefully {}
©       Purchase More Fresh Foods {}
©       Purge Processed Foods
©       Donate {}
©       Give Away {}
©       Journal Three Days This Week {} {} {}
©       Create a Lesson Plan for Eli for February {}
©       Begin Potty Training
©       Buy a Potty {}
©       Begin Guiding Eli to Dress Himself
©       Buy Basket {}
©       Gather Easy To Wear Clothing {}
©       Observe {}

©       The Lazy Scholar Blog Goals
©       Contact One More Contributor For Upcoming Project {}
©       Work on the New Project for at least 2 Hours {} {}

Those are my goals for the week!

Question of the Week: How Do You Do to Keep Track of Your Schedule?
Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Until Next Time Friends,

© Domonique ©
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