
Weekly Goals {1.20.14 to 1.26.14} + Review of 2014 Goals Completed Already

Hello There!

Every year I make resolutions and goals and before I know it, I haven't completed any of them and I feel like a failure. This year, I’m much more aware of my inability to maintain motivation and follow through on things, so I've decided to blog about my progress at the end of each week. Blogging about my progress will give me the motivation I need and accountability that I lacked in years' past.

Here are the goals I'm working towards this week and my progress so far:

        ©      Monday, January 20, 2014 – Sunday, January 26, 2014

©      NOOOOO nail biting {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
©      Record meals in Food Diary or on MFP for at least 3 days {} {} {}
©      Reach out to at least three different friends {B}{D}{R}
©      Complete 3 of 5 workout days and log them on Fitocracy {} {} {}
©      Journal at least twice {x} {}
©      Living within my means
§  No dining out {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
§  Save at least $1.00 in Piggy Bank {}
©      De-clutter bookshelf in bedroom {}

As for my Goals for 2014, so far I have totally completed or have consistently completed the following goals:

        ©      Health, Fitness, and Wellness

©      Defined a budget for each week
©      Planed a shopping list and check sales or specials for staple items
©      Shopped one day each week
©      Cooked in advance and froze leftovers for future consumption
©      Broke down daily calories to macros for each meal
©      Created a weekly workout schedule using Excel
©      Downloaded Fitocracy and MFP to my smartphone

        ©      Career & Education

©      Applied for Pharmacy Technician positions near home
©      Completed Student Loan deferment paperwork
©      Determined which subjects I want to master based on my degree plan (PharmD/PhD)
§  Biochemistry
§  Neuroscience
§  Pharmacology
§  Cognitive Science

       ©      Friends & Family

©      Made a date to see family & didn’t bail
©      Had fun

       ©      Personal & Parenting

©      Found resources for the Montessori Method
©      Practiced being more patient with Eli
©      Explained my emotions to Eli when I feel overwhelmed with him or a situation we’re in together
©      Let Eli do more things by himself instead of butting in (Observation)
©      Used social media less to focus more on my own life

       ©      The Lazy Scholar Blog

©      Planned more posts in advance using Hootsuite
©      Purchased a domain name for the blog

So far, I have been very successful in completing my goals because I look at my list a few times a week to remind myself what I want to get done. Then, I break my larger goals down into more manageable steps and prioritize which goals I can fit in during the week.

Every week I find that I’m crossing off goals and feeling a sense of accomplishment with my current place in life. It feels great to be able to see how much progress I’m making in just the first few weeks of the year. I hope to keep the steam going until the year’s end!

That’s all I have for now. I hope to update you guys on my progress next week.

Question of the week:

What goals or resolutions did you make for this year and have to been following through on?

Leave your comments below!

Until next time friends,

♥ Domonique ♥

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