Hey There,
Today I want to write about why I started this blog a little over a year ago and how I managed to lose myself on my journey to become a successful blogger.
If you aren't a fan of longer posts, you may want to check out some of my other entries.
For those of you who continued on, here is your post for today:
Last January I was struggling with being a Stay-At-Home-Mom with very little monthly income. After applying for my 100th job since August 2011, I decide that I needed to find a way to make money from home. The first year of Eli's life included Physical Therapy, being chronically sick, and doctor appointments, which didn't leave time for me to work full or part-time. The fact I was terminated in December 2013 after attempting to work full-time because Eli had an Asthma attack, proved my suspicions were correct.
I started blogging when I was at least sixteen, starting with Xanga and MySpace, and then Blogger in 2009. Before blogging, I kept a poetry site, which I still update yearly, and an audio diary on my PC. Self expression has always flowed through my veins.
I turned back to blogging in 2013 because it seemed like a great way to fight the stress of parenting a preemie, long-term unemployment, being a college student, and daily life. After reading some very successful blogs for a few years, I figured, I could eventually monetize my blog and be able earn enough to stay home with my son. Working from home is the ultimate goal for me so I can continue to Homeschool Eli.
Fast-forward to June 2013:
During the summer, my posts gained a lot more attention compared to the rest of the year. I took notice of this immediately. I blogged more often and consistently, which I think helped my reader base increase. This gave me the idea to incorporate more content based on what readers viewed the most, which in itself is not a bad idea, but I stopped posting about the things that mattered to me. My head swelled with thoughts of financial stability in a time in my life when my monthly income was barely enough to last a a week after paying bills.
I lost the voice and style of my blog trying to be someone I'm not because I was so eager to get more recognition and readers.
Over the past few months, I feel like my content quality has declined a lot and my lack of readers confirm that. Just when I thought that going back to my old content would be impossible, I began watching YouTube videos about being true to yourself, loving yourself, and being confident in who you are and what you're doing in life. This started me off on journey to remember who I was before I became obsessed with being someone else's idea of success.
This weekend, I read a post on the BlogHer Network titled, "Why Blog? To Find Your Own Truth." and the author, Hallie Sawyer, wrote just what I needed to hear that the time. She, too, had a crisis in blogging, and was getting back to her roots. I read the article and bookmarked it for later, so I could read it again whenever I feel like I'm losing my way. Reading this really helped me to put this situation in perspective.
Ultimately, I've decided to go back to my blogging roots and write for myself. I can only hope that everyone who reads this blog and especially those who know me in real life, will appreciate my authenticity and style, and respect me for my decision to remain true to myself.
While I do want to fit in with the more successful blogging crowd, I think that if that success comes at the price of sacrificing a sacred space where I come to vent and find peace, I would rather be loved and appreciated by a smaller group of people.
Thank you so much for reading this post.
Until next time friends,
♥ The REAL Domonique ♥
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