
Welcome Leo!

Hey Scholars,

I'm happy to announce the birth of my little boy, Leonard Matteo Thomas-Bright.
He was born on April 29th at 12:55 EST.
He weighed 5 pounds even and was 18 inches long.

I did not get an epidural. I chose to give birth with pain medication through an IV only. I did not receive any medication three hours before his birth. And, yes, it hurt. A lot.

It's been a full week since his birth and he is doing very well.
He is battling with a bout of jaundice at the moment, but is expected to make a full recovery.

I do not plan on having anymore children. I am co-parenting. I have limited income, patience, and time. I want my children to have the best quality of life that is possible, so I have decided on having a tubal ligation. I actually signed the forms for the surgery when I was 7 months along. I'll write more about my decision not to have more children in another post.

Until Next Time Friends,

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