
Year 23: A Year in Review

Hey There!
I have to admit Year 23 was pretty amazing.

I got to spend the entire year being a parent to my love, Eli. I was in a relationship. I started this blog. And I was hired to my first job in over two years!

The best part of Year 23 was:

Eli's first birthday! It was such a great day for me! I was way more excited than he was about his first birthday, but it was a major milestone for both of his. It marked his first year of life and my first year of parenthood. I feel like I am a more loving and caring person because of Eli, so this was the best moment of the year for me.

The worst moment of Year 23:

Eli and I both suffered from respiratory issues last December. I had an Asthma attack, my first in over 10 years, and Eli was diagnosed with Asthma. We both caught pretty bad colds and it spiraled out of control from there. Luckily, we both take daily medication now and have only had minor flare ups since then.

What I'm looking forward to for Year 24:

I would love to get my driver's license, travel to a warmer climate for vacation, and pay off my student loan, but ultimately I'm looking forward to any positive things that will happen in my life.

Until next time friends!

~ Domonique ~
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  1. What a wonderful year of discovery
    Here's hoping the next year will be even better. ;)

    1. Thank you so much! I hope your year was as exciting and that next year will be just as great1 BTW, you are my very first comment EVER! :)


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