
Little Eli Guy #2 - He Can Stand By Himself!!!

What's Little Eli Guy Doing Now?

Eli had physical therapy recently and with his shoes on he managed to stand and squat down without falling over. Of course, he was distracted by the TV, so he wasn't worried about falling. I think Eli will be taking his first steps in no time!

Next Tuesday is Eli's birthday. Little Eli Guy will be One Year Old! I'm not having a birthday party for him though. Instead, I'm taking him out for the day along with his father and great-grandmother. I'm so excited for Eli to reach this milestone. He was born prematurely because of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and stayed in the NICU for twenty days before he came home weighing three pounds, five ounces.

Here is a comparison of then and now.


There will be a special birthday post on Tuesday of next week with photos from his special day. Please stay tuned for that!

How Am I Managing This Week?

This week has been hectic. Eli has been sick with a fever and cough since Saturday and his sleep pattern is completely off now, so I've been sleep deprived for a while. I haven't gotten a chance to get anything done around the house nor our laundry because I've been sleeping when I should be up.

I'm going to do my best to get Eli to start sleeping normally again and regain some of my sanity from not sleeping for thirty-six hours at a time. I will update you all on how that goes!

I also think I am going to try to write my posts ahead of time and plan out what I will post using post-its.

What Are My Plans for Next Week?

Next week I'm going to be celebrating Eli's birthday on the nineteenth, so I will be busy making sure anyone that wants to meet us there knows the details of the day. I'm going to try to workout three days next week using Fitocracy to level up to level 8. I am also going to figure out where the hell my refund check is from the IRS since I mailed it in more than five weeks ago! I would really like to buy that jogging stroller and some warm workout clothing soon.

Please let me know what you thought of this post and what I can improve on. Also, let me know if you think I should make corresponding videos for my Youtube Channel.

Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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