
Little Eli Guy #4: Up We Go!

What's Little Eli Guy Doing Now?

This week Eli has managed to pull himself up on  e v e r y t h i n g.  I have no idea what to do with him! He pulls up on tables, chairs, his stroller, the media center where the TV sits, me, and even on people we don't know, if you're not watching him closely enough!

After finding him in the bathroom trying to play in the toilet, I decided it's time to baby-proof my house. My house isn't child-proof and never has been. In fact it's barely adult-proof! There are so many hazards and small things that Eli can get to since he is mobile, things I never worried about before. Where do I start? I'm a duck tape kind of girl, but I don't think that duck-taping my house is the solution.

Besides that, in physical therapy, Eli has been doing so well. Learning to clap, stand up, and trust someone besides Mommy has been a struggle, but we're here and it feels great to make progress. I am anxiously awaiting and dreading his first steps. I don't think my nerves can handle Eli actually walking around unassisted.

And that is what Little Eli Guy did this week.

How Am I Managing This Week?

This week I started working out again and finally managed to sleep well because Eli is sleeping on a schedule. Sleep feels like making love. I want to crawl into my bed, slide between the cool sheets, and hug my pillow until I can't stand it anymore, then I fall asleep. I think I'm cheating with my mattress at this point. Now that Eli is mobile, sleep is my new lover and I'm happy to see Sleep every night.

What Are My Plans for Next Week?

The weather won't be horrible so I think I'd like to go running and maybe take Eli to the park. He's never been to a park before and I think he would be excited to see other kids and a real swing.

I also think a trip to Target for baby-proofing supplies and time with my friends might also be in the cards. It would be awesome to see someone who isn't a toddler. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll go out on a date without Eli.

We shall see about the last one. That's wishful thinking at best. I'd be just as happy if he slept through the date and the place we went to had Long Island Iced Tea.

Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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