
Random Stuff: A New Book and Themed Posts for this Blog!

My Newest Book

Recently I purchased a book from Amazon.com titled Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community by Joy Deangdeelert Cho. You can find this book by clinking the link above.

I have been reading it when my son is sleeping or playing quietly and I really like how informative it is. It's taking a while for me to finish this book because I have Adult ADHD. When words are closely spaced, like they are in this book, I'm unable to focus on just one line of text and all the lines begin to blend together. Eventually I will finish the book and post a review here.

Weekly Themed Posts

Since I've started reading Blog Inc. I've decided to follow some of the advice to make this blog authentic to me. I'm going to start posting three series about topics important to me and hopefully you will find them interesting.
  • Little Eli Guy (Wednesday) - Posts about parenting, children's products and clothing, and balancing Motherhood with college and gaming.
  • Domo's Music Domain (Friday) - Reviews of my favorite artist or song of the moment. The artists and songs are from different time periods, geographic locations, and speak different languages. I will also post links to where you can find their music and occasionally I will post a video, like I did with the Intro to JPOP post below.
  • Soul Searching Saturdays (Saturday) - Posts about life lessons I've learned so far and my views on the world because of that. Sometimes I'll have a guest post by or with my best friend.
I hope that you'll enjoy this blog and the topics I post. Remember, I can only post great original content if I have constructive criticism from my readers, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. (You have to be signed in to your Google Account to post. No Anon posts here. And yes, I know you can make a dummy account. I worked in IT.)

Peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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