
Soul Searching Saturday #3: The Struggle to Have Everything (Motherhood vs Work)

In 2012 I became a mom and since then I've scoured the internet for articles and opinion pieces concerning whether women can be powerful in the workforce without sacrificing family.

The results of my search are dismal.

The more articles, editorials, and opinion pieces I read, written by women, the more I realize that "having it all" may be a pipe dream. I am a feminist, but I've recently learned through research that "feminism" is a dirty word in modern society. I believe in equal rights, equal pay and benefits for both genders, all races, and religions. And, I think that workforce productivity would benefit from better maternity and paternity leave policies. Some people tell me I sound like a dreamer, but these are my beliefs and nothing will change that. So, when I was researching for this post and found that more and more women were voicing that we cannot be both successful at work and have a fulfilling home life, I became worried.

As a stay-at-home Mom with special needs child, I worry about how to find a job that will be flexible enough for me to raise my son and earn enough money to live comfortably. I don't want for many things and my son has everything he needs. That doesn't stop me from wanting to go back to work as soon as possible to see the balance of my savings account rise from zero to substantial again. I want to be able to afford life insurance, to put money into a Roth IRA and 529 plan, and to buy a car so we can go to the grocery store without taking the bus or a cab home in the rain.

Seeing so many women discouraged and disheartened about whether or not they can have a family and be successful is sad. Why do we have to choose? Do we actually have to choose? Can there actually be a balance that accommodates both parts of life?

We shall see. Until then, I will keep searching for the perfect job(s) that will allow me to be the parent my son needs and the successful young professional I know I can be.

Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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