
Little Eli Guy #3 - First Birthday! Eli has leveled up from Noob to Lvl 1

Yesterday Eli leveled up from Noob to Level 1.

It has been an amazing journey to this day. There were many sleepless nights, cans of Redbull, last-minute essays written, poop-up-the-back, and tears, but we've made it a year!

My top ten favorite moments from this past year are:
  1. Eli was born.

  2. Eli left the NICU.

  3. Eli said Mama first!!!

  4. Eli rolled over.

  5. Eli smiled at me for the first time.

  6. Eli could hold his own bottle.

  7. Eli pulled himself up.

  8. Eli and I spent my birthday cuddling.

  9. Eli laughed for the first time.

  10. Eli learned to feed himself.

I'm looking forward to the next year!

Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3

~ Domo ~

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