The song I've been listening to a lot lately has been "Blue and Yellow" preformed by The Used. The Used is a band I've been listening to for a about four years now. What I like most about this song is the lyrics, they just seem to really make me appreciate my best friend.
To me "Blue and Yellow" perfectly explains the friendship I have with two of my closest friends. We're close, can tell each other anything, and won't find anyone else as supportive and understanding as we are with each other. This level of friendship is rare and beautiful, just like the lyrics of this song.
When you examine the lyrics, you can instantly tell that the artist (Bert) has strong feelings towards the person or people he's singing about. He knows his friendship can outlast any "bad blood" because this friendship is so intense and loving and rare. The emotion in the recording is enough to make it my favorite song; the meaningful lyrics are an added bonus for me.
I wanted embed the official music video, but it is no longer on The Used OfficialYouTube Channel.
I hope you enjoyed this short post.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Little Eli Guy #4: Up We Go!
What's Little Eli Guy Doing Now?
This week Eli has managed to pull himself up on e v e r y t h i n g. I have no idea what to do with him! He pulls up on tables, chairs, his stroller, the media center where the TV sits, me, and even on people we don't know, if you're not watching him closely enough!
After finding him in the bathroom trying to play in the toilet, I decided it's time to baby-proof my house. My house isn't child-proof and never has been. In fact it's barely adult-proof! There are so many hazards and small things that Eli can get to since he is mobile, things I never worried about before. Where do I start? I'm a duck tape kind of girl, but I don't think that duck-taping my house is the solution.
Besides that, in physical therapy, Eli has been doing so well. Learning to clap, stand up, and trust someone besides Mommy has been a struggle, but we're here and it feels great to make progress. I am anxiously awaiting and dreading his first steps. I don't think my nerves can handle Eli actually walking around unassisted.
And that is what Little Eli Guy did this week.
How Am I Managing This Week?
This week I started working out again and finally managed to sleep well because Eli is sleeping on a schedule. Sleep feels like making love. I want to crawl into my bed, slide between the cool sheets, and hug my pillow until I can't stand it anymore, then I fall asleep. I think I'm cheating with my mattress at this point. Now that Eli is mobile, sleep is my new lover and I'm happy to see Sleep every night.
What Are My Plans for Next Week?
The weather won't be horrible so I think I'd like to go running and maybe take Eli to the park. He's never been to a park before and I think he would be excited to see other kids and a real swing.
I also think a trip to Target for baby-proofing supplies and time with my friends might also be in the cards. It would be awesome to see someone who isn't a toddler. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll go out on a date without Eli.
We shall see about the last one. That's wishful thinking at best. I'd be just as happy if he slept through the date and the place we went to had Long Island Iced Tea.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Soul Searching Saturday #3: The Struggle to Have Everything (Motherhood vs Work)
In 2012 I became a mom and since then I've scoured the internet for articles and opinion pieces concerning whether women can be powerful in the workforce without sacrificing family.
The results of my search are dismal.
The more articles, editorials, and opinion pieces I read, written by women, the more I realize that "having it all" may be a pipe dream. I am a feminist, but I've recently learned through research that "feminism" is a dirty word in modern society. I believe in equal rights, equal pay and benefits for both genders, all races, and religions. And, I think that workforce productivity would benefit from better maternity and paternity leave policies. Some people tell me I sound like a dreamer, but these are my beliefs and nothing will change that. So, when I was researching for this post and found that more and more women were voicing that we cannot be both successful at work and have a fulfilling home life, I became worried.
As a stay-at-home Mom with special needs child, I worry about how to find a job that will be flexible enough for me to raise my son and earn enough money to live comfortably. I don't want for many things and my son has everything he needs. That doesn't stop me from wanting to go back to work as soon as possible to see the balance of my savings account rise from zero to substantial again. I want to be able to afford life insurance, to put money into a Roth IRA and 529 plan, and to buy a car so we can go to the grocery store without taking the bus or a cab home in the rain.
Seeing so many women discouraged and disheartened about whether or not they can have a family and be successful is sad. Why do we have to choose? Do we actually have to choose? Can there actually be a balance that accommodates both parts of life?
We shall see. Until then, I will keep searching for the perfect job(s) that will allow me to be the parent my son needs and the successful young professional I know I can be.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
The results of my search are dismal.
The more articles, editorials, and opinion pieces I read, written by women, the more I realize that "having it all" may be a pipe dream. I am a feminist, but I've recently learned through research that "feminism" is a dirty word in modern society. I believe in equal rights, equal pay and benefits for both genders, all races, and religions. And, I think that workforce productivity would benefit from better maternity and paternity leave policies. Some people tell me I sound like a dreamer, but these are my beliefs and nothing will change that. So, when I was researching for this post and found that more and more women were voicing that we cannot be both successful at work and have a fulfilling home life, I became worried.
As a stay-at-home Mom with special needs child, I worry about how to find a job that will be flexible enough for me to raise my son and earn enough money to live comfortably. I don't want for many things and my son has everything he needs. That doesn't stop me from wanting to go back to work as soon as possible to see the balance of my savings account rise from zero to substantial again. I want to be able to afford life insurance, to put money into a Roth IRA and 529 plan, and to buy a car so we can go to the grocery store without taking the bus or a cab home in the rain.
Seeing so many women discouraged and disheartened about whether or not they can have a family and be successful is sad. Why do we have to choose? Do we actually have to choose? Can there actually be a balance that accommodates both parts of life?
We shall see. Until then, I will keep searching for the perfect job(s) that will allow me to be the parent my son needs and the successful young professional I know I can be.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Domo's Music Domain #4: Jason Mraz - Mr. A-Z
I've decided to review this album because it's my favorite album from an English speaking artist. Jason Mraz's album, Mr. A-Z, was released in July 2005 and had two singles, "Wordplay" and "Geek in the Pink" with corresponding music videos.
Geek in the Pink
The track listing for this album is:
- Life is Wonderful
- Wordplay
- Geek in the Pink
- Did You Get My Message (feat. Rachael Yamagata)
- Mr. Curiosity
- Clockwatching
- Bella Luna
- Plane
- O. Lover
- Please Don't Tell Her
- The Forecast
- Song for a Friend
When I listen to an album for the first time, I listen to each song at least three times. First for 30 seconds to get a "feel" of the song, second to listen to the song in its entirety, and then thoroughly to analyze the meaning of the lyrics. When that is said and done, I add my favorites to a playlist on my smartphone.
When I first listened to this album I could already tell that I was in love with "Geek in the Pink", "Did You Get My Message?", "Clockwatching", "Bella Luna", "Plane", and "Song for a Friend". The other songs took many more listens for me to warm up to them, but I ultimately love the album, because each track is beautifully composed and showcases Jason Mraz's voice.
Plane (Track 8) is probably my favorite song off of the album because of the lyrics, the emotion in the vocals, and background spoken word. To me, the meaning behind "Plane" seems to be about the stresses that traveling for work has on a relationship and that even if his job ultimately caused him to be taken away from his lover, due to the plane crashing, he would always remember the love they shared.
If you're interested in buying this album, you can find it here on Jason Mraz's Official Website.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this review.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Plane (Track 8) is probably my favorite song off of the album because of the lyrics, the emotion in the vocals, and background spoken word. To me, the meaning behind "Plane" seems to be about the stresses that traveling for work has on a relationship and that even if his job ultimately caused him to be taken away from his lover, due to the plane crashing, he would always remember the love they shared.
If you're interested in buying this album, you can find it here on Jason Mraz's Official Website.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this review.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Product Review: Johnson's Hand & Face Wipes
I'm a new Mom, so I try a lot of products, looking for one that will work for Eli and I. There are a few products I've found myself buying repeatedly and Johnson's Hand & Face Wipes is one of them.
Before I begin, I want to make clear that this post is not sponsored and I purchased the wipes with my own money. I want to share this product with everyone because it is inexpensive, accessible, and works as it's supposed to.
Here are a look at the front and back of the package.
I've been using these wipes since November 2012 when I went to Target looking for baby wipes with a "pop top". These were in the same aisle, so I decided to give them a try. Eli doesn't have particularly sensitive skin and I was tired of using baby wipes on his face and hands everyday. Johnson's baby wipes were regularly priced at $2.49, so even if I didn't like them, I'd payed less than $3 for them.
I first used them before I reached home with Eli. He had managed to get cookie all over his face and hands. I opened the pack in the store and immediately noticed the pleasant smell. The wipes were moist, but not drenched in the solution, and the texture was very soft and moisturizing. I was able to wipe Eli's face and hands using both sides of the cloth, even though he fought me the entire time. I could also open and close the package one-handed, a huge plus when you're struggling with an infant. Any convenience is welcomed here!
I used these wipes for about a week and Eli didn't break out at all. After that, I bought five at a time from and that would last me about three months.
There is one problem with these wipes and that is that constantly opening the pack caused the wipes to dry a bit around the third week of use. My advice is to use these wipes as soon as you get them to yield the best results.
Places you can find these wipes are:
Walmart - $2.47 for 1 or $8.00 for 4 packs (The Best Value Yet!)
I hope you enjoyed my review! Please let me know if you'd like to continue seeing reviews on this blog.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Little Eli Guy #3 - First Birthday! Eli has leveled up from Noob to Lvl 1
Yesterday Eli leveled up from Noob to Level 1.
It has been an amazing journey to this day. There were many sleepless nights, cans of Redbull, last-minute essays written, poop-up-the-back, and tears, but we've made it a year!
My top ten favorite moments from this past year are:
- Eli was born.
- Eli left the NICU.
- Eli said Mama first!!!
- Eli rolled over.
- Eli smiled at me for the first time.
- Eli could hold his own bottle.
- Eli pulled himself up.
- Eli and I spent my birthday cuddling.
- Eli laughed for the first time.
- Eli learned to feed himself.
I'm looking forward to the next year!
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Domo's Music Domain #3 -「We are Buono! Buono! LIVE TOUR 2010 」Overview
Hello Friends!
If you haven't picked up on my slight Japanese Pop (JPOP) obsession, this post will surely confirm any speculation. I love JPOP; I specifically enjoy music produced by Hello! Project (H!P). So, as an ode H!P, this post is a review of my favorite Buono! Concert.
Buono! is a girl group formed with members from other two other H!P girl groups in 2007. The members are (in order from oldest to youngest) Tsugunaga Momoko, 21, Natsuyaki Miyabi, 20, and Suzuki Airi, 18. The group has an Ameba Blog and an official Youtube Channel that you can check out if you'd like to know more. They are both in Japanese, of course.
「We are Buono! Buono! LIVE TOUR 2010 」took place in February 2010 to promote the group's third studio album 「We are Buono!」(also released in February 2010). The tour DVD was released in May 2010 and featured bonus footage. The set list for the Concert and DVD were a mixture of songs from their third album and previous songs from singles and subsequent albums, which can all be found here in their discography. You can also find lyrics in English and Japanese on an amazing site I've been using for years, Project Hello!
What I enjoyed most about this concert is that the member's voices had matured so much by the time the album was released, that they sang with more power and clarity than they did in the studio recordings! It was a real treat to hear Momo hit her notes on key and not use her "cutesy" voice once. Anyone that has watched a Berryz工房 or Buono! Concert knows that poor Momo doesn't always hit her lines as great as she does in the studio recordings and that can be a real letdown because she is so charming and talented. In this concert, however, Momo does not disappoint. None of the girls do.
Here are a few video's from Buono!'s Official Youtube Channel of singles they preformed on in the concert.
『Take It Easy!』 (MV)
『Bravo☆Bravo』 (MV)
『Our Songs』 (MV)
If you haven't picked up on my slight Japanese Pop (JPOP) obsession, this post will surely confirm any speculation. I love JPOP; I specifically enjoy music produced by Hello! Project (H!P). So, as an ode H!P, this post is a review of my favorite Buono! Concert.
Buono! is a girl group formed with members from other two other H!P girl groups in 2007. The members are (in order from oldest to youngest) Tsugunaga Momoko, 21, Natsuyaki Miyabi, 20, and Suzuki Airi, 18. The group has an Ameba Blog and an official Youtube Channel that you can check out if you'd like to know more. They are both in Japanese, of course.
「We are Buono! Buono! LIVE TOUR 2010 」took place in February 2010 to promote the group's third studio album 「We are Buono!」(also released in February 2010). The tour DVD was released in May 2010 and featured bonus footage. The set list for the Concert and DVD were a mixture of songs from their third album and previous songs from singles and subsequent albums, which can all be found here in their discography. You can also find lyrics in English and Japanese on an amazing site I've been using for years, Project Hello!
What I enjoyed most about this concert is that the member's voices had matured so much by the time the album was released, that they sang with more power and clarity than they did in the studio recordings! It was a real treat to hear Momo hit her notes on key and not use her "cutesy" voice once. Anyone that has watched a Berryz工房 or Buono! Concert knows that poor Momo doesn't always hit her lines as great as she does in the studio recordings and that can be a real letdown because she is so charming and talented. In this concert, however, Momo does not disappoint. None of the girls do.
Here are a few video's from Buono!'s Official Youtube Channel of singles they preformed on in the concert.
『Take It Easy!』 (MV)
『Bravo☆Bravo』 (MV)
『Our Songs』 (MV)
Overall, this concert was amazing and I wish I had seen it in person! I can only imagine the energy radiating from the girls and the crowd.
If you can get your hands on a copy of this DVD, you will not be disappointed if you want to be entertained by catchy tunes, energetic performers, and talented vocalists.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Little Eli Guy #2 - He Can Stand By Himself!!!
What's Little Eli Guy Doing Now?
Eli had physical therapy recently and with his shoes on he managed to stand and squat down without falling over. Of course, he was distracted by the TV, so he wasn't worried about falling. I think Eli will be taking his first steps in no time!
Next Tuesday is Eli's birthday. Little Eli Guy will be One Year Old! I'm not having a birthday party for him though. Instead, I'm taking him out for the day along with his father and great-grandmother. I'm so excited for Eli to reach this milestone. He was born prematurely because of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and stayed in the NICU for twenty days before he came home weighing three pounds, five ounces.
Here is a comparison of then and now.
Here is a comparison of then and now.
There will be a special birthday post on Tuesday of next week with photos from his special day. Please stay tuned for that!
How Am I Managing This Week?
This week has been hectic. Eli has been sick with a fever and cough since Saturday and his sleep pattern is completely off now, so I've been sleep deprived for a while. I haven't gotten a chance to get anything done around the house nor our laundry because I've been sleeping when I should be up.
I'm going to do my best to get Eli to start sleeping normally again and regain some of my sanity from not sleeping for thirty-six hours at a time. I will update you all on how that goes!
I also think I am going to try to write my posts ahead of time and plan out what I will post using post-its.
What Are My Plans for Next Week?
Next week I'm going to be celebrating Eli's birthday on the nineteenth, so I will be busy making sure anyone that wants to meet us there knows the details of the day. I'm going to try to workout three days next week using Fitocracy to level up to level 8. I am also going to figure out where the hell my refund check is from the IRS since I mailed it in more than five weeks ago! I would really like to buy that jogging stroller and some warm workout clothing soon.
Please let me know what you thought of this post and what I can improve on. Also, let me know if you think I should make corresponding videos for my Youtube Channel.
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Soul Searching Saturday #2: How to Survive Losing Someone You Love
I wanted my second post for this series to be a topic most people can relate to, so I'm going to write about loss.
Let me start off by saying loss is exhausting. Yes, exhausting.
Loss can be devastating for many reasons. While I'm only going to focus on losing someone you care about, other forms of loss can be equally as devastating. For example: losing a limb to an accident or disease, losing a friendship or romantic relationship, losing a wedding ring or keepsake of your child's could be equally as devastating as the loss of a person. The severity of your loss depends on how emotionally attached you are to the item or thing.
I am a firm believer that you do not need anyone to validate your feelings of loss. You are allowed to feel your emotions as intensely or as little as you please, as long as your emotions don't cause harm to anyone around you.
Loss was a very difficult emotion for me to comprehend. I lost a lot of family that were very close to me in a short period of time and every emotion I felt was intense. Being a teenager was already difficult emotionally, now coupled with these traumas, it was very easy to fall into depression and difficult to climb out of that hole.
Loss can be devastating for many reasons. While I'm only going to focus on losing someone you care about, other forms of loss can be equally as devastating. For example: losing a limb to an accident or disease, losing a friendship or romantic relationship, losing a wedding ring or keepsake of your child's could be equally as devastating as the loss of a person. The severity of your loss depends on how emotionally attached you are to the item or thing.
I am a firm believer that you do not need anyone to validate your feelings of loss. You are allowed to feel your emotions as intensely or as little as you please, as long as your emotions don't cause harm to anyone around you.
Loss was a very difficult emotion for me to comprehend. I lost a lot of family that were very close to me in a short period of time and every emotion I felt was intense. Being a teenager was already difficult emotionally, now coupled with these traumas, it was very easy to fall into depression and difficult to climb out of that hole.
To help others from making the same mistakes I did when I was at my lowest point, I've compiled some helpful tips, based on personal experience to help you cope a little better.
- Don't Be Afraid To Grieve Your Loss
- If you feel like you need to cry, do so. Don't let your emotions build up over time because you will eventually explode and possibly not be able to handle yourself by that time.
- Talk To Someone
- If you feel like your emotions are getting the best of you and you cannot function in everyday life, find someone to talk to. Talk to a friend, family member, clergyman, teacher, or professional; Talk to someone that you trust will give you honest, helpful advice, and won't criticize, berate, or betray your trust.
- Find Happiness In Small Things
- When I was at my lowest point I found that walking outside and playing video games made me feel better. Sometimes just having the sun shine on your face and breathing cool, crisp air is enough to change your mood and state of mind. Being outside and seeing so much beauty around me made me appreciate that I was alive to experience these things.
- Volunteer or Just Help Others
- I volunteered for a few years and found that it made me appreciate what I still have in my life. I also began to feel better about myself because I gained more self-esteem by stepping out of my comfort zone and overcoming some social anxieties. It sounds so cheesy, but helping others actually can help to turn your prospective in a different direction. Bad things may have happened in your life, but helping someone else when they're in need creates an emotion that's almost stronger than grief.
Whether feelings of loss stem from a death, growing apart from someone, or are even cause by losing your job, your emotions are validated because you feel them.
Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't allowed to feel the way you feel.
Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't allowed to feel the way you feel.
So, those are my tips for helping to ease feelings of grief when you've suffered loss in your life. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. You can comment anonymously as of this post.
Until next time friends - peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Domo's Music Domain #2 - ℃-ute Releases Another Remixed Favorite!
℃-ute has released a second remixed video this week. This time it's 『都会っ子 純情』 (2012 神聖なるVer.) or Tokaikko Junjou (2012 Shinseinaru Version). I personally love the hearing the updated vocals because once again as the group lost members and their voices matured, the song didn't seem to fit anymore with their new image.
Now, as much as I love the updated vocals, I cannot stand the choreography nor the cheaply produced set in the background. Mai Hagiwara, the youngest member of ℃-ute dances awkwardly in the beginning of the video and also speaks the first few lines of the song, previously spoken by Maimi Yajima. Mai Mai's voice is still too soft to get the reaction that Maimi's voice always had with those lines. Sometimes change is good, this time, I wished they'd left that part of the song alone.
Here are both the old single and new remixed version for your comparison. Let me know what you think in the comments down below.
Now, as much as I love the updated vocals, I cannot stand the choreography nor the cheaply produced set in the background. Mai Hagiwara, the youngest member of ℃-ute dances awkwardly in the beginning of the video and also speaks the first few lines of the song, previously spoken by Maimi Yajima. Mai Mai's voice is still too soft to get the reaction that Maimi's voice always had with those lines. Sometimes change is good, this time, I wished they'd left that part of the song alone.
Here are both the old single and new remixed version for your comparison. Let me know what you think in the comments down below.
『都会っ子 純情』 (MV)
『都会っ子 純情』 (2012 神聖なるVer.)
Until next time friends, peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Domo's Music Domain #1 - ℃-ute Is At It Again! Old Single, New Remix!
℃-ute has released their 2012 version of Massara Blue Jeans (まっさらブルージーンズ(2012神聖なるVer.)) and I am very excited to hear the updated vocals.! I've seen every ℃-ute Concert and it was becoming evident that as the girls matured physically and vocally, they were no longer able to sing the notes as beautifully as they did when they were children. Losing three members of the original group has changed the line distribution in the song as well.
I think the best idea H!P has had in a while in terms of CD releases is a compilation CD of re-releases that have been remixed and this new remix of my favorite song is awesome. The vocals are on point and their newest CD,②℃-ute神聖なるベストアルバム is full of new vocals over remixed songs of classics their fans love.
I recommend that you give these songs a listen if you get the chance. You will not be disappointed by the crisp, mature voices of the members or the updated dance routines and line redistribution to accommodate for a much smaller group.
Here is a comparison of the newer remix and older release:
And now a word of advice to Tsunku & the management team of Hello! Project:
Please market your groups towards foreign audiences as well as domestic. You have many fans that want to purchase merchandise from your groups but cannot because navigating your site is not "English friendly," nor can we purchase items because we live outside of Japan. Please begin cater to your very diverse fan base. We will not disappoint you with our enthusiasm towards all members of the Hello! Project family.
That is all. :)
Peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
I think the best idea H!P has had in a while in terms of CD releases is a compilation CD of re-releases that have been remixed and this new remix of my favorite song is awesome. The vocals are on point and their newest CD,②℃-ute神聖なるベストアルバム is full of new vocals over remixed songs of classics their fans love.
I recommend that you give these songs a listen if you get the chance. You will not be disappointed by the crisp, mature voices of the members or the updated dance routines and line redistribution to accommodate for a much smaller group.
Here is a comparison of the newer remix and older release:
『まっさらブルージーンズ』 (MV)
And now a word of advice to Tsunku & the management team of Hello! Project:
Please market your groups towards foreign audiences as well as domestic. You have many fans that want to purchase merchandise from your groups but cannot because navigating your site is not "English friendly," nor can we purchase items because we live outside of Japan. Please begin cater to your very diverse fan base. We will not disappoint you with our enthusiasm towards all members of the Hello! Project family.
That is all. :)
Peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Tagged Under:
Hello Project,
Little Eli Guy #1: Pulling Up, Falling Over, and Finding Patience
Welcome to the first post in this series!
The layout for this series is as follows:
The layout for this series is as follows:
- What's Little Eli Guy Doing Now?
- How Am I Managing This Week?
- What Are My Plans For Next Week?
I hope that I can keep up with the weekly posts and that something you read amuses or helps you in some way!
What's Little Eli Guy Doing Now?

Eli had physical therapy recently and is learning to tune is fine motor skills (using his hands correctly). He has been making so much progress with his PT and is reaching milestone after milestone in quick succession. This week, he figured out how to walk between the couch and living room tables. He also figured out that if he throws everything on the floor Mommy will pick it up. It's tiring, but rewarding because I was afraid he wouldn't reach any milestones this quickly after being born so prematurely.
And that is what Little Eli Guy is doing now.
How Am I Managing This Week?
Currently, I've been working on having more patience. I've never been a patient person and I find myself having to walk away from situations when I'm frustrated. Something I've been doing to cool down is listening to music or playing The Sims 3. Getting my mind off of the subject makes me less likely to act on my emotions.
I've also been trying to read more often. I hadn't purchased a book that wasn't college-related in 5+ years. With College, Eli, and Adult ADHD in the way, I just didn't have the desire to read anything I wasn't going to be graded on. Now I'm trying to find ways to cope with reading a physical book and failing. I think that in time I will figure this out. I don't like to buy digital books because I don't agree with DRM. It's my book, I should be able to do what I please with it, but that's another story for another day.
What Are My Plans For The Next Week?
Eli has PT again next week and I also have longstanding appointments, so, we will be participating in those. I also plan on taking Eli to a play facility near home so he can play with other kids since he is the only child at home. I hope that I can meet other parents with Preemies and Eli can make a friend near his age developmentally.
I hope you enjoyed a peek into our lives this week. See you next week!
Peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
Random Stuff: A New Book and Themed Posts for this Blog!
My Newest Book
I have been reading it when my son is sleeping or playing quietly and I really like how informative it is. It's taking a while for me to finish this book because I have Adult ADHD. When words are closely spaced, like they are in this book, I'm unable to focus on just one line of text and all the lines begin to blend together. Eventually I will finish the book and post a review here.
Weekly Themed Posts
Since I've started reading Blog Inc. I've decided to follow some of the advice to make this blog authentic to me. I'm going to start posting three series about topics important to me and hopefully you will find them interesting.
- Little Eli Guy (Wednesday) - Posts about parenting, children's products and clothing, and balancing Motherhood with college and gaming.
- Domo's Music Domain (Friday) - Reviews of my favorite artist or song of the moment. The artists and songs are from different time periods, geographic locations, and speak different languages. I will also post links to where you can find their music and occasionally I will post a video, like I did with the Intro to JPOP post below.
. - Soul Searching Saturdays (Saturday) - Posts about life lessons I've learned so far and my views on the world because of that. Sometimes I'll have a guest post by or with my best friend.
I hope that you'll enjoy this blog and the topics I post. Remember, I can only post great original content if I have constructive criticism from my readers, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. (You have to be signed in to your Google Account to post. No Anon posts here. And yes, I know you can make a dummy account. I worked in IT.)
Peace, love, and green tea <3
~ Domo ~
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