The Mommyhood Chronicles: A Podcast Project
I've been working on a special project for the past month and I'm very proud of it.
I've started a podcast show called The Mommyhood Chronicles!
It is free to download and is available in the English language as an MP3 file.
It's a look into my life, through my eyes and that of my friends and family.
It's part comedy, lifestyle, self-help, and inspirational all wrapped into one quaint little file.
You can find my podcasts on this blog at under the Podcasts tab at the top of the page, or also on iTunes.
Here is the link to my first podcast:
Mommy with Style
Leo | Birth to Month 1
Leo is a month old today!
I'm a very proud Mama!
My little Leo is growing very well despite my concerns that he would experience a failure to thrive, as his brother, Eli, experienced. Fortunately, that is not the case and Leo is gaining nine ounces or so a week now!
Breastfeeding vs Formula
I decided way before Leo was born that I would be both breastfeeding and bottle feeding. It is very important to me to breastfeed Leo because it provides him with antibodies that he would not otherwise have because he's too young to be vaccinated against most things.
I also bottle feed because my milk supply has never been very abundant and I need to supplement his diet with something else so they gets all of the nutrition he needs.
While this is an expensive choice, it is the right choice for my family and I stand by my decision.
*Below is my stance on circumcision and it is quite graphic because I describe what can happen when you are uncircumcised. If you are not interested in this, do not read that section and proceed to the Sleeping or Pictures section below that. - Thanks*
My First Postpartum Workout
1 Month Postpartum Update
It's been a month since Leo was born!
I can barely believe it!
I finally feel like I a getting into the mix of things, being a stay-at-home-Mom of a toddler and infant.
Just as I did in my last post, I'll be addressing the three areas that affect me most as a new Mom:
- Emotional Health
- Physical Health
- Mental Health
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In this salad: baby romaine, sliced almonds, strawberries, shredded mild cheddar cheese, cucumber slices, sliced tomato, shredded, boiled chicken breasts, cranberries, and french dressing. |
Little Eli Guy: Months 24 - 26
Today, Eli is 27 Months-Old. I haven't posted since Eli's birthday back in March, so this post will have my favorite pictures of Eli from the last 3 months.
In the last 3 months Eli:
- Has taken an interest in music. He loves to play the guitar and sing, play the recorder, and dance to whatever music he hears (even if it's just a commercial or a ringtone on my cellphone).
Eli plays the guitar before bed
- Has learned to work various electronics.
- Eli can use the VCR. (Yes, we still own a working one. We own two actually. No DVD players in the Thomas home.)
- Eli can play music on my cellphone.
- He can call his father (based on the picture associated with the number).
- He can use the DirecTv remote to play his DVR recordings
- And, Eli can pause and play various streaming services on the computer by using the spacebar.
- Has become one with nature
- Eli love playing outside in the backyard
- Wants to play in dirt and is interested in plant life
- Loves going for walks through the neighborhood
Blowing bubbles with Mommy - Has learned more words and the items associated with them
- Has learned to dress and undress himself
- Eli can put on/take off his socks and shoes (velcro shoes only)
- Eli can take off his pants, diapers, and training pants
- Eli can unzip his jacket/hoodie and take it off
Posting Updates
I've been busy lately and not updating the blog as often. I'm sorry about that. Things are going to be changing soon. I've lined up a couple of posts to go live in the next few weeks and I hope you enjoy it!
- My Parenting Style
- 1 Month Postpartum Update
- Eli @ 27 Months
- Leo @ 1 Month
- Wellness Journey: May 2014
- Sanity Savers: How I Use the Bullet Journaling System
1 Week Postpartum Update
Welcome Leo!
I'm happy to announce the birth of my little boy, Leonard Matteo Thomas-Bright.
He was born on April 29th at 12:55 EST.
He weighed 5 pounds even and was 18 inches long.
I did not get an epidural. I chose to give birth with pain medication through an IV only. I did not receive any medication three hours before his birth. And, yes, it hurt. A lot.
It's been a full week since his birth and he is doing very well.
He is battling with a bout of jaundice at the moment, but is expected to make a full recovery.
I do not plan on having anymore children. I am co-parenting. I have limited income, patience, and time. I want my children to have the best quality of life that is possible, so I have decided on having a tubal ligation. I actually signed the forms for the surgery when I was 7 months along. I'll write more about my decision not to have more children in another post.
I Spy...
My High-Risk Pregnancy Experience
I wanted to share a little about my pregnancy experience. I am a young and relatively healthy woman, but I have been classified as having a high-risk pregnancy. My pregnancy is considered high-risk because of my reproductive history. Anyone that has read this blog for a few months or looked through my archive, know that my previous pregnancy was also high-risk and that my son, Eli, was born seven weeks prematurely.
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Eli on his first day of life. He was 33 weeks and 3 days gestation, weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces and was 15 inches long. He spent a total of 20 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). |
I have been monitored closely throughout this pregnancy for complications and I have had a few so far. Once again, my baby has had a restriction in his growth. This is called Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Eli also had this issue. As I understand it, Leo (my baby), is having trouble gaining weight in utero and will likely be underweight at birth. His placenta also looks small and he doesn't have a normal amount of amniotic fluid.
I currently go to the hospital twice a week to be monitored on the fetal monitor and I kick count while I'm there. I also have an ultrasound every other monitoring visit and every two weeks with a Neonatologist. The ultrasounds check Leo's growth, amniotic fluid levels, and just his overall health.
In addition to the fetal monitoring, I see a high-risk Obstetrician once a week. She makes sure I am doing well physically and emotionally. She also asks me about my academic career, which I love, because I feel that she sees me as more than a mother. She is an African-American female professional and I really admire that she's great at her craft.
Right now, things look positive. I've never been this far into a pregnancy. I have experienced pregnancy loss in the past and premature birth, so I am in unchartered territory.
What has surprised me about pregnancy after the 33rd week, which is the farthest I've been until now, is that I am so uncomfortable.
I can't sleep through the night because I need to use the bathroom, my feet swell sometimes, I cannot walk more than a few blocks without stomach cramps, and don't even get me started on how my Sciatica has flared up.
Other than that, I am doing pretty well. My Dysthymia has been under control for the most part and I'm hoping that if I do suffer from PPD (Postpartum Depression) like I did with Eli, I'll be able to find a great therapist to help me work through that.
That's all for this post. I'm thinking about making a YouTube video on this post. If I do decide to make a video, I will embed the video in this post and send out an update.
The Lazy Scholar Shop: My Works on Display
- I am currently a month and a half into my bachelors degree program.
- I began exploring more artistic ways of expression.
- And I am trying to maintain my sanity since Eli has become very clingy. I'll post about Eli's sudden need to cling to me now that I'm expecting in May, at some other time in the near future.
- What designs are available
- Which products I want to make available
- And, which designs are available on which products
Practice Makes Perfect
In usual autodidact fashion, I've been teaching myself a new program in the quest to become a better blogger and expand my career opportunities.
I was recently introduced to a design program called Inkscape. It's similar to Adobe Illustrator, but it's free and can be customized for your needs (Open Source). It can be downloaded here.
I had a lot of trouble reading the manual for the program. There were too many words and pictures and it was overwhelming. I opted for flying by the seat of my pants and just playing with the tools and options until I figured it out. This took me a little over 4 hours to do before I finished my second creation. The first was never saved and the program crashed mid-design.
I am impressed with the result after a few hours of messing around and I definitely plan on using this program more in the coming weeks.
I hope you enjoyed this short post!
Sanity Savers #1: What Planners Can Do for You
Let's Get Down to Business
My Ideal Work Space
Being a busy Mom and having another little guy due in May, I feel the crunch to find a work schedule that works best for my family dynamic and fits my personal needs. Here are my needs for a successful working environment:
- Convenience - I can begin working as soon as I enter the space; No set up is required. Also, no travel required since I do not drive.
- Flexibility - A schedule that can accommodate standing commitments and appointments for my children and myself. I also need the ability to work late at night when I am the most alert and creative.
- ADD Friendly - No distracting colors or other stimuli.
- Child Friendly - Nothing in the space poses an immediate threat to my children.
- Scalability - I can expand my setup to accommodate new technologies, equipment, or furnishings.
- Multifunctionalism - Can be used as a home office, business office, and personal retreat.
What Does This Mean for The Lazy Scholar Blog?
This blog is a labor of love and I put a lot of thought into each post and design concept. I've even taken up learning graphic design and HTML to tweak the layouts and learn how to build new ones! Here is what you can expect in the future from me and this blog:
- More Consistent Posts - I'm working on a set schedule for posting and my goal is to stick to it.
- Better Content - Currently, I'm working on becoming a better writer so I can express myself more thoroughly through my posts. I've been taking freelance jobs to gain more experience and I've also been writing in greater quantities a lot more often.
- Varied Content - Including more photos in my posts and filming videos for the YouTube channel created especially for this blog are among my top priorities this year. I think videos and photos will help my readers relate to me and also cater to people who like to do more than just read.
- eCommerce - This year, I hope to have either an eCommerce page on this site or an ETSY shop fully operational. I want to provide my freelancing services and handmade products. I've been thinking about this for about a year, but I finally feel confident enough to attempt it this year!
- Enhanced Layouts - I have been studying HTML and other languages to how to customize this blog. If you've been visiting over the last few months, you'll see that I've changed quite a few things from adding the tabs and social media buttons to creating seasonal layouts. I'd like to continue that and learn even more to add other amazing features to the site. I think slideshows and embedded videos are next on the list!
- Building Community - I am guilty of being a hermit in real life and also on the internet. This year, I want to be more involved in social media. Every account associated with this blog deserves attention from me and I just haven't been doing that. I lurk around other blogs, but rarely comment. This year, that stops. I want mt readers to know that my blog is a safe place to have discussions and that I'll also return the favor and join in sometimes.
- Blogging Conferences - I'm not new to attending conferences, having been tech support, a presenter, and an attendee before. I do want to attend a conference or two in the next year related to blogging so I can meet others like myself. Traveling is also awesome and I'd like to take my boys with me.
Little Eli Guy #6: Months 18 - 23
Some of the highlights of Eli's life the last 6 months have been:
- Speaking in full sentences
- Running
- Recognizing letters and repeating them
- Interest in playing the guitar (and singing)
- Interest in reading books
- Grooming himself (brushing and combing his hair, washing his face and hands, putting on and taking off his clothes, etc.)
- Potty Training!
Even though Eli has been developing amazingly the past six months, things have not been perfect. Eli had a slight run in with his G6PD a few months ago. It left his legs scarred and his body covered in rashes and hives. We visited the ER and he was given steroids that cleared up his condition within the first 48 hours. Since then, I've been a lot more conscious about what I feed him. No beans whatsoever, I give him as much fresh fruit and veggies as possible, and I read the ingredients on EVERYTHING. I have also limited or completely cut out most soy products and I make a lot of his meals myself instead of buying them prepackaged. Eli has had very little breakouts since I've started following these rules. I'd like to keep it that way.
Goals I have for the next six months:
- Document Eli's life more often through writing and pictures
- Teaching him to count to 10
- Teach Eli the first 10 letters of the alphabet and have him recognize the letters
- Let Eli explore nature more often
- Have Eli play with other children more often
Picture Time!
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Potty Training Time! |
♥ Domonique & Eli ♥
Good Morning
It's nearing the end of the week and I still haven't posted yet, luckily, the week isn't over yet and you'll have new content to read this weekend!
Thank you for sticking with me!
<3 Domonique
Hi There!
It's been a few weeks since I posted anything and I just wanted to let my readers know that I haven't forgotten about the blog.
Tomorrow there will be a new post up and then later this week, I'll finally be posting part 3 of my mental health awareness series. So look forward to new content!
In a more formal post, you can expect an actual explanation and an apology for my absence.
Please look out for more information on the Official Lazy Scholar Blog Facebook Fan Page.
Until next time friends,
The Faces of Laughter
Hello There!
I haven't had time to queue a proper post, but I've been taking plenty of pictures and messing around on Blogger Mobile. here are my favorite photos of the last few days.
Enjoy and look forward to the third post in my Mental Health Awareness series later this week!